“This is a whimsical story fit for young and old readers alike. The author draws on his interest in numerology and his favorite number, twenty two. In this story, cleverly rhymed, two young number twos are sent out to find another. As they search, they encounter all the other numbers (great educational tool for the younger learners). Of course they finally meet up to be two two’s (twenty two!) but have some great adventures along the way. A terrific, well-illustrated little book!”
Be You Three
BE YOU THREE is the third picture book in a fun-loving series that illustrates some cool things you might be when you grow up. For example: You may be a doctor who might ask, is everybody wearing masks? Or a painter who paints peoples homes… and yes with help from painter gnomes.
There are many things that you might do,
but in the end, you’ll still BE YOU!